Learn the exact email strategy I use to get people on my list, on auto-pilot, every single day. And gets people opening, clicking, and buying from every email I send.

All you want is more sales on your ecommerce website.

You've done the work to build a great website that reflects your values and drives traffic. But you NEED to increase your conversion rate.

Because right now:

• You’re getting organic traffic, but not getting sales

• You’re working with influencers, but not getting sales

• You’re using paid ads, but not getting sales

And you’re frustrated because you know that if you can just increase your conversion rate you’ll start making stable and consistent money in your business. This is more than just a business to you. It's your livelihood. 

Here’s the thing. Only a tiny amount of people will buy on their first visit to your website.

So the key to converting more website visitors to buyers is your email list.

To increase your conversion rate you need to collect email addresses and send emails. That’s it. 

In other words, you need to have an email marketing strategy.

Too many e-com sellers put off creating an email marketing strategy. Usually it's because:

• They don’t know how or where to add opt-ins on their website

• They don’t know how to grow their email list

• They don’t know what they'd even send in their emails

But the problem is, if you're not emailing, they're not buying.

To get consistent sales you need to consistently bring new people into your world (ie. grow your email list) and consistently ask for the sale (ie. email engaging and irresistible offers).

But you're wondering, "what would I even write in an email?" And with everything else on your to-do list you're thinking "I don't have time to send so many emails!"

And you really don't want to feel like you're spamming your list (they could unsubscribe!!) 

What if, instead of stalling and worrying, you simply knew exactly how to grow your list everyday? What if you knew how to write to get subscribers opening every email you sent? And what if every time you sent an email you knew it would generate sales? 

You'll get all of that know-how, and more, with the E-com Email Elixir. 

Introducing: E-com Email Elixir

E-com Email Elixir is dramatically different from any other email marketing program out there.

That’s because it’s a potent training, proven strategy, and tested toolkit all in one. Created by a 6-figure e-commerce seller, who started out just like you.

We know you're busy. That’s why this training immediately gets down to business, showing you exactly what to do, how to do it, and why. So you can start growing your list and sending emails that reflect your brand values and convert to sales - quickly.

What's Included in E-com Email Elixir:

1.5 hours of done-in-a-day video trainings broken up into 3 digestible lessons (that include proven opt-in and email templates).

  • Video Lesson 1: Opt-ins with Oomph

    Value $97

    I share the exact opt-ins I use that work best for growing my list quickly. Because before you can even draft an email, you need subscribers who will open it. This is where you'll get people on your email list in the first place (includes 14 proven opt-in templates you can steal).

  • Video Lesson 2: Subscribers to Buyers

    Value $97

    Now that your list is growing, we'll set up automatic flow emails, like your welcome series, so you can auto-pilot turning subscribers into buyers (includes templates for the 3 types of automatic emails your Shopify store needs TODAY).

  • Video Lesson 3: Campaigns for Conversation & Quick Cash

    Value $97

    By this point, you'll have a list full of people who want to hear from you and want to buy what you're selling. In this lesson you'll get the exact emails you should be sending them to keep them engaged and buying, again and again.

Wondering What to Send in Your Emails? I've Got You Covered...

Join E-com Email Elixir today and get these 7 quick-fix email writing boosters. You'll know exactly what to write, and how to write them, FAST.

• The 3-Step Process for Writing Emails that Convert ($27 value)

• The 3 Email Welcome Series - Templates ($37 value)

• 40 Subject Lines that Get Opened - Swipe List ($27 value)

• 5 Emails to Send to Get Non-Purchasers Buying - Templates ($17 value)

• 50+ Things You Can Email Your List Today - PDF ($17 value)

And to get you writing quicker - 10 Writing Prompts to Beat Writer's Block ($17 value)

• BONUS VIDEO TRAINING: How to Start Segmenting Your List ($27 value)

These bonuses are packed with tips and tricks to write emails that get opened, read, and clicked. In other words, emails that convert. 

And much, much more. 

EXTRA BONUS: Live Office Hours 👩‍💻

When you sign-up today you get access to Grace for 1:1 support

  • Join 3 live calls to get support direct from Grace on all your burning email marketing questions. That's 3 months of support so you'll never feel lost or alone.

  • Submit your emails for expert feedback and copy writing support

  • Calls happen once a month. Join as many times as you'd like! You get lifetime access!

  • Just ONE call with Grace is normally $250. You get 3 for FREE, with enrollment.

Total Value = $710

Today's Price = $127 

YES, I need this!

Here's a fraction of what you'll learn:

  • How to create the best opt-ins for your ideal customers, to grow your list fast

  • How to quickly write and send emails that get opened, and clicked..and get more people buying

  • How to send the right emails, to the right person, at the right time, automatically

Email Marketing is NOT Dead

Email marketing is truly the quickest way to increase your conversion rate.

An average conversion rate on an ecommerce website is 2%. But when traffic comes direct from email, the average conversion rate jumps to 6%. You can almost TRIPLE your conversion rate just by adding email marketing to your business. The longer the wait the more time and money you’ll lose on driving traffic to your website that will never convert.

Hi, I'm Grace

E-com Email Elixir is born from 15+ years of formal training in the retail industry, and first-hand experience building (and selling) e-commerce businesses.

Over the past 4+ years, I've sent every type of email imaginable. And I've gotten really, really good at it. To grow my businesses, I had to quickly learn what works and what doesn't. Now, I'm sharing it all with you in this course. As a finalist in the Klaviyo Owned Growth Competition I was invited as a VIP to the Klaviyo:BOS conference. There, I picked up even more new email skills from top email marketers and the kings of e-com email themselves, Klaviyo.

Almost 50% of My Sales Come from Email

If I stopped emailing my list today I'd lose 50% of my sales.

But I hear from so many other Shopify store owners that only about 10% - if that - of their sales come from email.  

And it's not because email doesn't work. It's because they're not growing their list and not emailing enough (or they're emailing the wrong things). 

Because they haven't mastered email marketing, they're leaving thousands of dollars on the table each month.

That's why I wanted to share my strategy of irresistible opt-ins and calculated emails with the E-com Email Elixir.

The Elixir will teach you how to email, who to email, and when to email. It will make your customers love opening your emails, and you won't feel like you're spamming anyone, ever.

The best part is, you don't need any special email writing skills. You just need to be yourself.

Now’s the time to take your email marketing seriously so you can grow a stable and profitable e-commerce business. It's time to stop leaving thousands of dollars on the table.

My business would not be what it is today without this email marketing strategy.

I want you to grow your list everyday, email your list everyday (don't worry, with this strategy it's not as time consuming as you think), and make more money everyday. Think you can't do it? Struggled to do it before? The E-com Email Elixir is just the thing to cure all your email marketing ailments. 

But don’t just take it from me:

“I've been in the e-commerce industry for a while now so I was surprised to see the different ideas, examples and actionable steps that Grace provided in this course. You won't regret this purchase.”

Jess R.

“Excellently presented and makes sending engaging emails easy. You will pay for this course with the first email you send out, It’s a no brainer.”

Adam W.

Featured In

  • Money Back Guarantee: If you’re not satisfied with E-com Email Elixir for any reason, you’re covered by our 7-day 100% money-back guarantee.

You’re just one click away from joining E-com Email Elixir

Get the #1 email marketing course for ecommerce


  • I'm starting at zero. Will this still work for me?

    Yes! The first lesson will get you starting and growing your email list.

  • Are people still opening emails?

    Almost everyone has an email address, which is why email marketing remains relevant today. We know that people open and buy from emails more than ever.

  • I HATE getting emails. Why would anyone want to read an email from me?

    You may hate getting emails, but it's likely you've checked your inbox today. We'll make sure you're sending emails your customers will LOVE, even if they hate those other emails.